An interesting or fun quote:

"Happy moments, PRAISE GOD. Difficult moments, SEEK GOD. Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. Painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD..."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Stray Pen: 32 Flavors

The Stray Pen: 32 Flavors

A friend of mine living in London has a cool blog, watch for the haiku at the end of the post.  Enjoy, Chris Rolling Rev Kinney

Another Newsletter From Chris Rolling Rev Kinney

¯¯Worship & Music Notes¯¯
Alleluia!  Prepare the way of the Lord.
All flesh shall see the salvation of God. Alleluia!
 Gospel Acclamation for the 2nd Sunday in Advent
          Happy New Year!  December 2 is the start of the new church year, as we begin to anticipate and long for the birth of the Christ child at Christmas.  In anticipation of the birth, John the Baptist comes forth calling for us to prepare the way of the Lord with the discipline of repenting of sins.  This repenting of sins is not just saying, “I’m sorry.”  Instead, the repenting of sins calls us to change our ways of thinking only about ourselves but to think and act for those others with whom we are connected in Christ.  This Christ child who is coming dangerously calls us to realize that life, following Him connects us to a life of service.
          Service that will be shown in many and various ways, donations to food pantries, service at shelters, visiting the shut-ins, and in ways too numerous to count.  At Amazing Grace, our mission is to join God at work the world.  This mission is not a one day event, but something we are called to every day.  As people connected in Christ, we reach out to one another, our community, and our world.
          Many exciting things are happening at Amazing Grace this month. 
Sat., Dec. 1, 10 AM – 12 Advent & Christmas decorating with pizza following
Sun., Dec. 2, 8 AM worship with communion.  10:30 AM worship with communion.
Sun., Dec. 9, 8 AM worship with communion.  10:30 AM worship with communion.
Sun., Dec. 16, 8 AM worship with communion.  10:30 AM worship with communion.
Sun., Dec. 23, 8 AM worship with communion.  10:30 AM worship with communion.
Mon., Dec. 24 Christmas Eve
4:00 PM Christmas Preludes
4:30 PM worship with communion
Mon., Dec. 24 Christmas Eve
10:00 PM Christmas Preludes
10:30 PM worship with communion
Sun., Dec. 30, 9:30 AM worship with communion – One Service
          Also, please watch the bulletin for an opportunity to sing Christmas Carols with our neighbors at Inver Glenn senior living.
          In December, Pastor Chris leads worship at Inver Glenn and at the Good Samaritan Center.  Volunteers to share music or simply conversation are always welcome, for more information contact Pastor Chris.
          In December we have many musical opportunities for fellowship and worship leadership in our choirs for all ages.  Please check the Amazing Grace Opportunities Booklet or call the office to find a choir to connect with.  For information about the sanctuary choir or leading the congregation in new hymns or praise songs you may connect with Susan Young, Sanctuary Choir Director, or Brad Pipal either at church.
Connected in Christ, joining God at work in the world
Chris Kinney & the Worship and Music Ministry Team

I write newsletter articles for my home church, Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, which may be found here:

7160 South Robert Trail
Inver Grove Heights,
Minnesota 55077

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Short History of Becoming the Rolling Rev

         A response to a person who loves me and asked how I became the Rolling Rev, just so you know I love all of my friends and family who take the time to asking wonder how I am doing.  Your love and support bring me joy, comfort, and a sense of wholeness.  Thank you all!
        I do not think you’re being insensitive, and I’m sorry it took me so long to respond, I was busy there at the end of June and I forgot to answer.  I have multiple sclerosis and until they find a cure or develop electronics that help me control my limbs I use my wheels to get me where I need to go.  I had my first major incident of MS the day after Thanksgiving 2000.  I had just returned from my first call at an American Lutheran Church in Frankfurt, Germany & The Lutheran Field Service Europe.  I was planning to enter the Air Force as a chaplain in January 2001.  The Air Force said no, when they found out I had an undiagnosed MS incident, a grand mal seizure with scarring on my brain tissue.
        The doctors were not able to diagnose me until March 2002.  While waiting for a diagnosis, I did 2 out of 3 years of law school and decided that I did not really want to be a lawyer.  Once I found out that MS is not a fatal disease, I went back to being a pastor in Winthrop, Minnesota, a small town 1 ½ hours southwest of the Twin Cities.  In late 2007, early 2008, I had to go on disability, when my legs stopped working.  So now I am a supply pastor (I substitute for other pastors on vacation), I do short-term counseling, weddings/funerals, and advocacy.  I also lead a MS support group, am on my church Council, and teach Sunday school.  Plus once in a while I still do a TEC.  One of my friends, @Brandon, is the TEC Council President and he always ends his newsletters with Shine on & when I do email with him.  I always reply Shine on & I’ll Roll on.  Life is good, life is full; God is good!  All the time!  God is good!  Thanks for asking.